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In response to community transmission of COVID-19, Thailand introduced a whole of society response, implementing a range of measures to contain the virus, including extensive testing, contact tracing, clear and consistent communications to the public, and nationwide mobilization of health workers. This video tells the story of Thailand’s response.

Director - Cinematographer: Nicolas Axelrod

Local Producer: Navaon Siradapuvadol

Sound: Cory Wright

Producer: Caterina Clerici

Editor: Alfredo Chiarappa

Date: 2021-2023 · Country: Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam · Video: Nicolas Axelrod, Thomas Cristofoletti · Photography: Thomas Cristofoletti, Luke Duggleby, Andy Ball, Roun Ry · Editing: Lester Olayer, Nicolas Axelrod · Client: UNWomen

Since 2021, Nicolas works regularly with UN Women, capturing and documenting various projects in Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam.

His work has highlighted critical areas such as COVID-19 recovery, ending violence against women, peace and security, and economic empowerment in Southeast Asia.

The images, articles, and videos have been utilized in training materials, annual reports, and social media campaigns, effectively amplifying the impact of UN Women’s initiatives.

Director's Cut - In 2021 UNWomen commissioned two videos for their campaign #whenwomenlead. Working closely with the UNWomen team we identified several women leaders to talk about their achievements, their struggles and their journey.

Ploy Scott - Thai National Freediving record holder
Kotch Voraakhom - Award-winning landscape architect
Cindy Bishop - UN Women Goodwill Ambassador for Asia and the Pacific
Ploy Phutpheng - Photographer Garima Arora - Michelin Star Chef

For this project we worked with UN Women, together with the People of Japan, to produce a series of videos in Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam and Thailand. Looking at how women and girls are at the centre of COVID19 response and recovery efforts. The impacts of crises are never gender neutral and COVID19 was no exception. Women and other vulnerable groups had limited access to essential resources and suffered health, social, and financial difficulties.

As part of a series on Women in Leadership we filmed with Jittirat CEO of ATTA Autohaus and Benz Taling Chan and winner of the UN Women WEPS Awards 2020.